Friday 29 January 2010

End of January

Feeling pleased that I have done quite a bit for the business in January and even in the past week.

Took possession of new business cards and jewellery tags last week. So professional to have the latter. Now I'm thinking that I need to have printed cards for earrings, but the list goes on and I need to prioritize. Got quotes for banners this week and quite inexpensive but not keen on PVC...I think it will look tacky. Hoping that Paul comes up with something more innovative.

The big leap forward this week was creating the prototype for display of my necklaces at BCTF. I have purchased several wooden picture frames in charity shops this week, and with a hammer, tacks and cord, I was able to display a necklace as wanted. Huge relief. Now I can move ahead with painting the frames and enjoy creating the overall display. Also bought a trog from the garden center that will be great to hold bracelets and earrings.

My designer agreed to polish up any designs that I created for A6 promotional cards needed for BCTF. I enjoyed doing this and came up with 4 that I was happy with. Sent to Paul, but he has asked for the original photos, so think he's going to come up with something quite different (and no doubt much improved)!

Spent most of a day this week taking photos, resizing and sending off with blurb, to Angela Jones who has set up a business ARTISANS-UK (online website for craftpeople). It's a young business, but I like the site and her aims, so it's worth a try.

My website continues to be an issue. Does it ever end? I wasn't happy that the new design of the home page categories meant 2 clicks away from products instead of 1. A phone call with the designer has resolved this, but now it needs polishing up with the addition of thumbnail photos.

Met the web-guy at Wymondham Rugby Club this week to discuss the possibility of me going on their site as a merchant. It would be good publicity as a local business, but don't want to layout money upfront for this. I designed a banner and sent to him. Now waiting to hear.

My bookkeeping course last week was really valuable. Most of the people there were new to business and I realised that I should have taken this a long time ago. I came away knowing that I had to reorganize all of my accounting records. I'm quite chuffed that I have got on with it (three late evenings this week) and now have a more organized and clear appraisal of my transactions.

Next week, onto creation of a CD-ROM for BCTF and creation of an Ad for their catalogue.

It's never ending.....

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