Wednesday 20 January 2010

A day at the computer

No creativity today. Had an uncontrolled brainstorming session in the night related to my display for BCTF. Have jotted down all my ideas, but need to get moving with the logistics of it all. I need to create a mock layout at home....I think I need to rethink the size of my banner (don't think there is room for a stand-up one). Where do I start? Help!

Contacted Paul, my designer, to ask him to send workable file of my logo. Then I can at least start to play around with creating a publicity card (that he will probably take over!).

Spent the day at the computer. Let's see if creating new links to my online social media groups makes a difference. Have joined the East Anglia SME business forum, a new local networking group which seems v relevant. Also Everywoman network which should yield useful info for me.

Arranged meeting later this week, with representative from Federation of Small Businesses. Again, seems a pertinent organization that will be there when I need advice.

At last I have made use of my free business link voucher. Decided to get some marketing expertise. Made contact today and await an appt for a one-to-one consultation.

Alex Parr has written a fantastic recommendation for me on Linkedin. Very kind of her and feel as though I'm moving forward.

Took delivery of much needed beads and components today to create samples for Monkey Puzzle, York. Look forward to working on these this evening. Creativity at last.

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