Friday 17 September 2010

Jewellery Trends-general

Jewellery can have such an impact on your appearance, taking an ordinary or simple outfit into one that is outstanding. This is such an easy way to make you feel special. So how do you know what are the best ways to compliment your outfits?

With styles in fashion constantly changing, it is important to keep an eye on the jewellery trends that go hand-in-hand. High street jewellery is reasonably priced so most people can find something for their budget. This season jewellery is huge, colorful and unusual – pieces that will be remembered, those which stand out rather than just complement outfits.

The statement jewellery trend looks great and can give any outfit an instant lift. The key is to not overdo it. For example, if you are wearing a statement necklace, don't wear large earrings and a bracelet to match. Choose one large jewellery piece which will act as the feature.

Here are some other tips: if you have angular facial features, choose jewellery with angular details e.g. squares, triangles. If you have softer contoured features, choose circles and ovals for the detail. Also note that if your face shape is round, longer earrings will lengthen the face.

With such choice in the market nowadays, do not be frightened about following a specific trend….anything goes. Don’t feel inhibited to mix and match pieces. Play with colours too and have a mix! The ‘minimalist’ look is gone! Think BIG, BOLD and COLOURS.

My future blogs are going to discuss the trends for specific jewellery types, so keep reading!

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