Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Trade Show is over!

Something else to think about now BCTF is over. First trade show and went with low expectations. Had a couple of new confirmed orders, and several earnest potential customers. Good to be on the receiving end of interest instead of pushing myself forward to earn business.

Now onto photography of new designs and loading onto web.

Think I will take a break from ordering new stuff. Need to pay advertising invoice and achieve some cash flow!


Unknown said...

Jane - really well done for doing the BCTF! I think doing a show like that is a real achievement. Hope to be there one day myself, just not quite at a trade level currently as everything I paint is made to order and its not quick! Something tells me I need to diversify! Do you live in Norfolk? think that may be how I found you - can't remember! Just checking blog updates and saw your post.

Jane Pennington said...

Yes I live in Norfolk (only 18 months) and still need to find more galleries. Quite an effort and I can see the attraction of trade fairs. Will wait to see if orders come in from BCTF before committing to more however.